
Burton Folk Club

This Constitution forms a formal framework, within which the above-named club shall operate.


1.1    The Club shall be called “Burton Folk Club”.


2.1    To provide, on a regular (ideally weekly) basis, a safe, affordable and welcoming venue, for promoting, performing and listening to folk music, both traditional & contemporary, from all cultures. This shall entail both the engagement of guest artists for a reasonable fee and opportunity for performance by ‘floor singers’.


3.1    Membership shall be limited to a maximum of 15 (fifteen).  Members are defined as anyone over the age of 18 who is a supporter of the Club, who has registered their contact details on the club’s membership master-list, and whose membership application has been approved by the Committee. Membership is for life but may be terminated either by resignation or withdrawal by the committee as stated below.

3.2    Issues concerning Membership shall be resolved by the Club Chairman and/or Committee.

3.3    Members have a right to vote at Annual General Meetings and to stand for election as a club Officer or Committee-member. Members may raise issues and vote at General Meetings.

3.4    Members may benefit from priority tickets/admission to events or discounted admission fees, at the Committee’s discretion.

3.5    Membership shall be kept informed of any important issues by the Chair/Committee.

3.6    Membership may be withdrawn for good reason, such as behaviour likely to upset others or bringing the club into disrepute, at the discretion of the Committee.


4.1    Legal and Financial affairs of the Club shall be run by a management Committee consisting of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, plus a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 6 other members elected at the AGM.

4.2    Other official roles shall be held by Committee Members and will be agreed and appointed by the committee.

4.3    Officers and Committee shall be elected by ballot at the AGM, to serve for one year.

4.4    At each AGM, the Committee shall be dissolved, but may seek re-election.

4.5    The Committee shall ensure significant decisions are minuted and sent to out to all members.


5.1    Members Complaints, put in writing, will be processed promptly and answered by Committee.

5.2    Any member who is dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint may propose a vote of “no confidence” in any Officer or Committee member. Such “no confidence” proposals must be seconded by at least FIVE other Members. Such proposals shall be put in writing to the club secretary, supported by a clear explanation of the justification for the proposal.

5.3    Any “No Confidence” proposal will be decided by majority vote, at a General Meeting, which must be arranged by the Secretary within one calendar month of receipt of such a proposal.


6.1    The Club’s working year shall be from 1st September to August 31st.

6.2    Committee Meetings shall be held at least THREE times a year.

6.2.1       Quorum (Minimum Number) for Committee Meetings shall be FIVE

6.3    General Meetings (including the AGM) shall be held at least ONCE a year, being called by the Committee.

6.3.1       Quorum for General Meetings shall be NINE

6.4    Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by the Committee, or by a written request to the Committee, by no fewer than SIX Members, in which the Secretary must call an E.G.M. within one calendar month of receiving such a request.

6.5    An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during each October.

6.6    AGM Date, Time & Venue shall be notified to Members at least 14 days prior to the AGM, by email and by announcement on at least two club-nights, immediately prior to AGM date.

6.7    At General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, members shall each have one vote, on each polled item.


7.1    The Club is a non-profit making organisation. Any income raised shall be used to promote the aims of the Club. Charitable events may also be organised or donations made by the Committee to appropriate good causes.

7.2    The Treasurer, on behalf of Management Committee, shall hold Club funds in a bank account, withdrawal from which shall require signatures of TWO named members of the Committee.

7.3    The Treasurer and/or their delegate may hold a Petty-Cash Float amount in cash.

7.4    Individual Members shall not benefit from Club income, but may be reimbursed for legitimate expenses, for expenditure previously agreed in advance, by the Committee.

7.5    The Management Committee shall not spend more than the bank-account current balance.

7.6    Any assets belonging to the Club shall not be owned by any individual Member, but shall be the common property of the Club.


8.1    The club will be deemed to have ceased to exist if it does not meet for a period of SIX MONTHS and if no members show interest in continuing with the Club.

8.2    In the event of the Club being wound up, any assets remaining after payment of all proper debts and liabilities shall be distributed as follows: Equipment owned by the Club and any remaining Club funds, including those realised from sale of assets, shall be donated to good causes related to music. Disposal of assets will be managed by residue of Club Committee.


9.1    This Constitution and Rules were adopted at the Club’s IGM held on the 1st December 2017

9.2    Proposals for changes to the Constitution and Rules may be proposed and seconded by Members and must be received in writing by the Secretary, no less than FOURTEEN days prior to an AGM

9.3    Any changes to the Club Constitution will be decided upon by majority vote, at the AGM or EGM.

Signed  Geoff Noble           (Chair)

Signed  Jan Noble             (Treasurer)

Signed  Jane Currin          (Secretary)

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